• Chen Shurong(陳淑榮)


    Chen Shurong (1972-), Female, Associate Professor. Her research interests involve video analysis and processing, modern communication network and control technology. She has abundant working experience in the field of communication network switching technology and development of products. She had worked for many years in the Tenth Research Institute of Telecommunications Technology, Xi’an Datang Telecom Technology Co., Ltd, and Xi’an Institute of Posts and Telecommunications before she entered into Shanghai Maritime University (in 2001) during which she participated in the development of China’s earliest digital program-controlled switches and interrelated test devices, as well as some important public projects. In recent years, she mainly focus in video analysis process and related research projects, leading 4 projects and involving 3 other research projects, and has published more than 20 papers. She also receives many awards, including Shanghai  Science& Technology Progress Award (2008), Shanghai Teaching Achievement Award(2009), outstanding prize for teaching and March-Eighth Red-Banner Pacesetter of Shanghai Maritime University. From 2008 to 2009, she worked as a visitor in college of engineering, U of S, Canada.



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